The Official Bucket List

Okay, so in the comments of a Sarah's Opinion of the World post, I mentioned my Official Bucket List. Yes, It gets underlined. So, here it is:

1. Watch a foreign movie
2. Get something I wrote published somewhere (Done, because I made this a while back.)
3. Learn at least 30 German phrases.
4. Finally ride a legit roller coaster
5. Pull the whistle on a train
6. Write a book
7. Learn how to draw a person
8. Make my own paper
9. Paint a mural
10. Finish Maeve's friendship bracelet

I'm gonna post updates on the Official Bucket List from time to time, so don't worry about not knowing what I've accomplished with my life.

So, gLee. Reruns suck. They should do an Ingrid Michaelson cover. I want to see what they would do with that.

Always remember, scared is only one letter away from scarred.


  1. Dude, I can totally help you with the first one. French for Beginners ftw.

  2. Okay, so you have seen a foreign movie now...
    And yes, you do need to finish my bracelet!!!
    I can totally help with the roller coaster. I'm an awesome coaster rider. No seriously, my friend and I were deathly afraid and I convinced both of us we had amazing fun!
