Mr. Lang

My Language Arts teacher is a weirdo. Even more than me, and that's saying something.

In Enrichment on Thursday, he brought his class into the library where we were working on our projects. My friend who was sitting next to me asked him to name some board games, which got us to the subject of Hungry Hungry Hippos. He called it "a game which is not a game, but an excuse to make the loudest noise possible while whaling on a hippo." This brought up the subject of how awesome a song called Whale on a Hippo would be. I asked him if he would be in a band called The Lamington Experience, and he said, "Only if Whale on a Hippo is our first single."

So far, here's the running joke standings:

Band name: The Lamington Experience.

First single: Whale on a Hippo.

First album: Please Don't Smell Me.
(In reference to when Istvan walked in after me. Mr Lang smelled Pez, walked over to sniff Istvan, then started walking over to me. I said, "Please don't smell me," and he said, "That's our first album!" But we have to say please. If we aren't polite, no one's going to buy that album.)

Seriously. Weirdo. Yesterday he came running through the door, stared at me and my friend (who were attempting to leave school) and said, "TaLang. Think about it." then walked away.



  1. lol. one thing wrong. you don't play an instrument. XD have fun there Taylor.

  2. i could help! and so could sarah. im gonna get my uke and i play viola. and im gonna learn guitar....

  3. So...we have a guy on a unicycle, me, and a viola player.
