So A Duck And A Beaver Are Playing Tennis...

I would have LOVED to hear this punchline. I would have been the fictional duck, because I am Luis's duck. Don't ask.

I have good news and bad news. It's only going to make sense if I give you the good news first.
THE GOOD NEWS: I finally found another Slytherin!
THE BAD NEWS: It's Chris.

Many of you (4) frequent readers already know who he is, but let me give you a background of him (and the other freaks who surround me 5 days a week).

Let's start with Chris. Met him in first grade. He became more and more increasingly annoying over these past 7 years. My grandma has some weird crush on him. Is a Slytherin.

Faccin's turn. Fifth grade. Has a first name (Jacob), but everyone (except Evan) just calls him Faccin. My probable future brother-in-law, as his brother and Lindsay are the same age and inseparable.

Maeve...Sixth grade. Has a blog, which I frequently read. Our "daughters" are Cassie and Sarah. I love this chick to death and back. Is a Ravenclaw. I think.

Sarah. also has a blog, but I link to it so frequently that you can just go click anywhere else.  Is also a Ravenclaw. I think. My elder "daughter."

Evan. Kindergarten. Long way back. Has a twin brother named Quientin. Has a hat that he left on the bus once and the next day, I threw it at him. I'm just that awesome.

Quientin. Second grade. Evan's twin brother. Has a snail obsession. Crazy smart, but also crazy annoying. No offense.

Cassie. Seventh grade. My younger "daughter." Has a new baby sister.

Connor. Not sure how long. First grade, maybe? Apparently knows everything about baseball. Is in all of my classes besides 1st and 2nd period at school.

Jessi. First grade. Has 6 siblings (4 brothers, 2 sisters). Has a dead spider named Fluffy.

Those are the crazy wackjobs that are like sisters, daughters, and brothers to me. However, I feel like I have to tell you about Mr. Lang, too. Best LA teacher EVAH. Reads like crazy. Has a tongue piercing. Traumatized Olivia. And Jessi. And everyone else in my LA class. Possibly insane. Make that probably. No, definitely.

So, gLee is back! Any time Darren just starts to sing, I lose it. I just freak out. I have a special fondness for the Warbler's GAP Attack. HE HAD THE TRADEMARK DARREN'S PINK SUNGLASSES, GUYS! I screamed. A bunch. He needs to just get in a relationship with Kurt, already.

Byeas for now,


  1. Why yes, Sarah and i are Ravenclaws... and I know! It's pretty obvious that kurt and Blaine (aka Darren) are in love with each other... <3 i love you too!!!!!!!!
